Happy New Year to you all ! I hope you had a great Christmas and are ready to dance again and to get rid of the excess pounds you have almost certainly gained ! We start dancing in 2025 on Thursday 2nd January and our NEXT Open Night is on Saturday 8TH February
There seems to be some confusion about our Facebook page . You DO NOT need to have an
account or say you will join Facebook to look at our photos and read our news..Click on the icon
above, then click on the cross in the top corner of the box that appears -
As some of you already know, we reintroduced the After Supper Programmes written by
members. These will be e-
them in our Club night Section. From now on we will dance from 7.30 to 8.45, have a slightly
shorter break until 9 o’clock, then dance the After Supper programme till 9.30. As far as possible
we don’t want to have to walk through these second half dances so, if it is your turn, try to include
well known dances!!
Please continue to bring your own hand sanitiser on Thursdays, plus drinks if required.
Open Evenings
Our Monthly dances are normally held on the second Saturday of the month, and include not only excellent dancing but also a supper.
We now ‘walk through’ nearly all dances at every Saturday Open Night, and two or three times a year we have a top rank professional band to play. For more details click on ‘Open Evenings’.
Club Night
Our Weekly dances are held on Thursday evenings, and begin at 7.30pm.
If you are wanting to learn Scottish dancing, or want more practice during the week, click on ‘Classes’.
Why go Scottish Country Dancing
It keeps you physically fit
It keeps you mentally fit
Wonderful music
If you’re tempted, a warm welcome awaits you (beginners & more experienced dancers) at Waring Green Community Centre Garden Road Brighouse HD6 2AX. Entry is through the back, on Marion Street, HD6 2BJ. Waring Green is very accessible for Kirklees, Calderdale and Bradford.
We offer weekly club nights, and Monthly Social dances.